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Just Another Update

This has been a crazy, crazy month. To say it's gotten away from me would be an understatement. I won't bore you with the grisly details of life outside the lines of TATG but it's been a doozy of a month.

  • Research and Investigation? Done. The entire chapter has been re-written, simplified and tested out thoroughly. It does what you'd think it would do. I had more grandiose plans for a sub-system of Investigation and such but that blew up in the face of people trying to, you know, play it... so... I settled for a section that promotes highly emergent play with a few guidelines and rule enhancements to help groups out if they need it.
  • In-Between Adventures? Done. This chapter retained its same core. The tables in the chapter have been simplified and the rules for using them have been simplified as well. Rules for "Assets" and "Relationships" have been added. These rules are very simple. Like 1 or 2 pages simple. But they're just enough to get the point across. Characters can (and should) win fortunes, find love, get married, have children, encounter misfortune, and suffer tragedy. In essence, this chapter brings its own "mini-game of life" into TATG and helps to answer the questions of (a) how long has it been since the last adventure, (b) what have the characters been doing in that time and (c) what have the characters' adversaries been doing in that time? On paper and in practice, it helps answer the key question so many asked in early playtests: "So now what?"
  • The How-To chapter? Well, it's got a lot in it. But it's still in draft. Most of it is in some written form at this point. It features some general advice for running a game. And also some specific ideas for campaigns in TATG. The largest section left is the Example of Play, which will be pretty significant.

Geez Dude, Is That All?

No, not really. ;-)

  • Several awesome individuals have sent edits for the TATG Quickstart. Those have all been completed. I'm trying to figure out what to do about a cover, given that I am not going to have time to make one myself. Beyond that, it's ready for layout. I'm hoping to run it at NTRPG-Con.
  • I created two sets of tables that will be included in Transylvanian Adventures. Both sets are related to randomly creating adventures or ideas for adventures with a Hammer Horror theme. They will be featured in a new section titled "Adventuring Tables". There's somewhere between 6-8 tables in total. One group of tables create an entire adventure on the fly. So a Judge could roll up an adventure, then prep it out and run it at the next session. The other is a relatively large table called "Kickoffs" which illustrate a situation that the characters must deal with. It can be used to either generate an opening scene for an open-ended adventure or it can be used in conjunction with an existing adventure. The Kickoffs table may be shortened during edits. But right now it requires a d100 to roll on.
  • I also revisited Rituals. Simplified upgrades. And started working on a few tables that should make 0-Level characters (and the 1st level characters they become) more fun.
  • We've got fonts picked out for layout. And a design template should be completed in the next week or so.

See you all at NTRPG. Once again, thanks for your patience.


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